Pole sign at former Gull station to be removed

The public is invited to join the City of Sequim at the removal of the pole sign on the former Gull Gas Station property, located on the northeast corner of Sequim Avenue and Washington Street. The sign will be removed at 8 a.m. Monday, June 24.

The property recently was purchased by the City of Sequim, and while there are no specific plans for development of the property at this time, the city will be adding benches to the corner of the property this summer as part of the Downtown Streetscaping project.

“This is an opportunity to create a hospitality area for Sequim citizens and visitors in a key downtown location,” said Mayor Ken Hays. “In addition to the removal of the sign adhering to the city sign code, it also will open up that corner of the property and make a more pleasant seating area.”

Some of the longterm options that have been discussed for the property include creating a public space or making the property available for future development with the city having control over what type of development might occur on the highly visible corner.

Until the site is developed, the property will be available for use for many public events including holiday decorations, the Open Aire Market and a hospitality area and gathering place for other events such as the Irrigation Festival or Sequim Lavender Weekend.

Contact City Manager Steve Burkett at 681-3440 or sburkett@sequimwa.gov with questions.