Realtors’ event for Relay for Life

The Sequim Relay For Life is from noon Saturday, Aug. 1, to 9 a.m. Sunday, Aug. 2, at the Sequim High School football field. Participants join teams and walk at the relay to bring awareness and raise donations benefiting the American Cancer Society.

The Sequim Relay For Life is from noon Saturday, Aug. 1, to 9 a.m. Sunday, Aug. 2, at the Sequim High School football field. Participants join teams and walk at the relay to bring awareness and raise donations benefiting the American Cancer Society.

The Sequim Association of Realtors team is holding a fundraiser in advance of the relay.

A raffle drawing is July 29 for gift items donated by local merchants. Raffle tickets are available from Sequim Realtors. Ticket donations are $1, six for $5, 12 for $10 and 24 for $20.