School briefs

Sequim trio named

to WSU honor roll

Three Washington State University students from Sequim were named to WSU president’s honor roll for summer quarter 2009.

They are Tricia Duenas-Harris, Valerye Huff and Jane Rynearson.

To be eligible for the WSU honor roll, undergraduate students must earn a grade-point average of 3.75 with at least nine graded hours or a GPA of 3.50 based on 15 graded hours.

Top economist is college’s

2009 ‘Conversations’ guest

Jeremy Rifkin, founder and president of the Foundation on Economic Trends and a leading American economist, is Peninsula College’s guest speaker for the 2009 "American Conversations" evening, set for Oct. 1 at the college campus, 1502 E. Lauridsen Blvd., Port Angeles.

The 12th annual event raises funds for the Peninsula College Foundation, which financially supports college activities and programs through annual fund raisers.

Buy tickets online at To reserve a place or table, call 417-6264.

Sequim Pre-Three preschool

is enrolling for fall quarter

There are openings available for the fall quarter of the Sequim Pre-Three preschool. The class meets from 9:30-11:30 a.m. Fridays at Trinity United Methodist Church, 100 Blake Ave., Sequim.

Sequim Pre-Three is a nonprofit organization sponsored by Peninsula College for parents and guardians with children ages 10 months to 31/2 years. Parents come weekly with their children for a wide variety of activities including music, art, social interaction, dramatic and outdoor play.

Parents take turns working in the classroom with the children’s teacher and participating in a discussion led by an experienced parent educator while earning college credit. For more information, call Teresa Geer at 360-504-1011.