School Briefs

School Briefs

Allen and Rynearson graduate

Two Sequim residents graduated from Eastern Oregon University during the 2009-2010 academic year.

Jeffrey Allen earned a Bachelor of Science degree in multidisciplinary studies. Paul Rynearson earned a Bachelor of Science degree in fire services administration.

Free homeschool skate set

A free session of rollerskating and rollerblading for homeschool students is scheduled for 1-3 p.m. on Thursday, Nov. 18, at Olympic Skate Center, 707 Chase St. in Port Angeles.

The Homeschool Exploration Program of Quilcene School District sponsors the event.

Meet other homeschoolers and learn about the newest homeschool support programs.

For more information, call program coordinator Rose Marschall at 808-2662.

OCS announces honor roll

The first-quarter honor roll for Olympic Christian School includes the following students:

Principal’s honor roll (4.0) – Eighth grade:

Lora Rudzinski; fifth grade: Jane Rudzinski; fourth grade: Josiah Carter, Hollund Bailey.

“A” honor roll (3.5+) – Seventh grade: Annie Robertson, Jayden Sparhawk and Hadassah Winters; sixth grade: Mikaela Dodson, Jasmine Gauthun and Sarah Tiemersma; fifth grade: Lily Robertson, Amanda Dodson, Carson Wilder; fourth grade: Riley Cowan, Joshua Jones and Matthew Tiemersma.

Car washes planned

The Sequim High School band is hosting several car washes to raise money to compete at Magic Music Days in Anaheim, Calif., in March.

Car washes are 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Pay is by donation.

Washes at Rock Plaza in Sequim, located near the roundabout at Sequim Avenue and Old Olympic Highway, are Nov. 20 and Dec. 18

Car washes at Tarcisio’s Italian Place parking lot, 609 W. Washington St., are set for Jan. 8, Feb. 5 and March 12.