The Shelter Providers Network of Clallam County will meet Wednesday, July 21, from 9-11 a.m. in the downstairs fellowship hall of Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, 301 Lopez Ave., Port Angeles.
"Instead of a featured speaker, we have featured listeners coming," said Network coordinator Martha Ireland. "Washington Low Income Housing Alliance executive director Rachael Myers and program associate Natalia Fior are coming out from Seattle to explain the Alliance’s ‘Listening Project’ and to gather input on public policy directions and advocacy to help end homelessness."
First Step will be the featured partner agency. Executive director Nita Lynn will report on how First Step’s new building in Port Angeles is enabling expanded home-based and center-based services.
In other business, the Network will decide when to hold the second annual Project Homeless Connect, discuss the "Housing First" strategy for ending homelessness, and hear reports on construction projects related to homelessness and affordable housing.
Shelter Providers meet-ings are open to all interested persons. For more information, contact Martha Ireland at 452-4737 or serenity