Sequim Community Aid has elected officers for 2010-2011.
Donna Tidrick, remains president; Shirley Anderson is vice president; Myrna Ford, treasurer; Linda Alexander, recording secretary; and Alice Rapasky, corresponding secretary.
The volunteer group started in 1947 to assist families and individuals when their ability to meet basic needs is threatened,
From Sept. 1, 2009-Aug. 31, 2010, the group provided more than $49,000 in aid, which comes mostly from donations. The funds helped 546 adults and 373 children.
"We can always use more volunteers and money to help," said Ford.
They helped people with the following:
• Utilities
• Rent and deposit
• Bus tickets and ferry fares for job interviews and doctor appointments
• Prescription medicines
• Paper products, soap, diapers and other nonperishable items
They also lead a "Toys for Sequim Kids" drive each December.
In 2009, 425 children from infants to eighth-graders received toys, clothes and blankets.
More than 40 volunteers helped 171 parents at Christmas time.
"The demand for help is out there because we have so many seasonal jobs," said Tidrick.
For help in an emergency, call Sequim Community Aid’s pager at 681-3731
Tax-deductible donations can be sent to Sequim Community Aid, P.O. Box 1591, Sequim, WA 98382.