Sequim High celebrates its Class of 2024

With their diplomas — or reasonable facsimiles — in hand, Sequim High School’s Class of 2024 on Friday evening celebrated the shift from students to legacy-makers.

Led by principal Erin Fox, the June 14 graduation ceremony saw nearly 170 of the approximate 180 SHS graduates take part in the commencement held on Myron Teterud Field at Stáʔčəŋ Stadium.

See more photos here.

Under predominately dry skies with the occasional sunburst, Sequim High classmates got well-wishes from staff-elected speaker Charley Sturm, class-elected speaker Sam Stewart, staff speaker Isaac Rapelje, superintendent Regan Nickels and most of the quintet of 4.0-grade-point-average-earning valedictorians: Brody Anderson, Erin Cline, Kimberly Flores, Danielle Herman and Sage Younger.

Anderson noted that a close friend in school was often mistaken for an older sibling: “This was very inspirational,” Anderson said, remarking that his goal was to make such an impact that his younger siblings would similarly be confused for himself.

“All legacies are fleeting, no matter the size,” he told classmates, but encouraged them to build their own legacies and be the best they can be.

Flores, a first generation high school graduate, gave part of her presentation in Spanish to recognize her family. She encouraged her classmates to recognize “all who shaped us into who we are today.”

Herman said her class, who started their high school careers amidst a global pandemic, came to be known for its aggressiveness and persistence: “We will never fail to put up a fight.”

Younger likened his high school classmates’ future paths as lined with potholes — not such a bad thing, he said, as “it forces us to slow down and see the countryside.”

Stewart encouraged the Class of 2024 to believe in their potential, be adaptable, learn new skills, and “embrace the complexities of life.”

The class also paid respects to three retiring staffers — Jaye Hall, Joe Younger and Ann Tjemsland — along with a remembrance of classmate Guillermo “Junior” Aguilar, who passed away in 2022.

Sequim Gazette photo by Michael Dashiell / Graduating Sequim High senior Natalie Cross sports “2024”-themed glasses at the school’s commencement ceremony on June 14.

Sequim Gazette photo by Michael Dashiell / Graduating Sequim High senior Natalie Cross sports “2024”-themed glasses at the school’s commencement ceremony on June 14.

Sequim Gazette photo by Michael Dashiell / Sequim High senior Roger Burwash pumps up fellow SHS graduates at the school’s June 14 commencement ceremony.

Sequim Gazette photo by Michael Dashiell / Sequim High senior Roger Burwash pumps up fellow SHS graduates at the school’s June 14 commencement ceremony.

Sequim Gazette photo by Michael Dashiell / Staff-elected speaker Charley Sturm accepts her diploma from Sequim School Board director Larry Jeffryes at the Sequim High School graduation ceremony on June 14.

Sequim Gazette photo by Michael Dashiell / Staff-elected speaker Charley Sturm accepts her diploma from Sequim School Board director Larry Jeffryes at the Sequim High School graduation ceremony on June 14.

Sequim Gazette photo by Michael Dashiell / Brody Anderson, one of five valedictorians for Sequim High School’s Class of 2024, offers his speech to classmates at the June 14 graduation ceremony.

Sequim Gazette photo by Michael Dashiell / Brody Anderson, one of five valedictorians for Sequim High School’s Class of 2024, offers his speech to classmates at the June 14 graduation ceremony.

Sequim Gazette photo by Michael Dashiell / Co-valedictorian Dani Herman offers her thoughts to classmates and attendees at the June 14 Sequim High School graduation ceremony.

Sequim Gazette photo by Michael Dashiell / Co-valedictorian Dani Herman offers her thoughts to classmates and attendees at the June 14 Sequim High School graduation ceremony.

Sequim Gazette photo by Michael Dashiell / Kimberly Flores, a first generation high school graduate, offers part of her co-valedictorian speech in Spanish.

Sequim Gazette photo by Michael Dashiell / Kimberly Flores, a first generation high school graduate, offers part of her co-valedictorian speech in Spanish.

Sequim Gazette photo by Michael Dashiell / Class-elected speaker Sam Stewart speaks at the 2024 Sequim High School graduation ceremony on June 14.

Sequim Gazette photo by Michael Dashiell / Class-elected speaker Sam Stewart speaks at the 2024 Sequim High School graduation ceremony on June 14.

Sequim Gazette photo by Michael Dashiell / Graduating Sequim High senior Emily Post, gets high-fives from classmates at the 2024 Sequim High School graduation ceremony on June 14.

Sequim Gazette photo by Michael Dashiell / Graduating Sequim High senior Emily Post, gets high-fives from classmates at the 2024 Sequim High School graduation ceremony on June 14.

Sequim Gazette photo by Michael Dashiell / Graduating Sequim High School senior Sage Younger gets a big hug from dad Joe Younger, an SHS teacher who is retiring at the end of the school year, at the Sequim High graduation ceremony on June 14.

Sequim Gazette photo by Michael Dashiell / Graduating Sequim High School senior Sage Younger gets a big hug from dad Joe Younger, an SHS teacher who is retiring at the end of the school year, at the Sequim High graduation ceremony on June 14.