Sequim High School Homecoming week is October 8-13. The theme this year is based on Broadway musicals. Dress-up days are as follows: Monday/Hairspray, Tuesday/Suessical, Wednesday/Footloose, Thursday/South Pacific, and Friday/Our Town.
The halls of the school buildings will be decorated by leadership students. The décor will correspond with all of the theme days. It will be quite a visual feast for students as they enter the halls on Monday morning, Oct. 8.
There will be a fashion show Monday, Oct. 8, during lunch in the cafeteria from 11:30 a.m.-12:15 p.m. Models dressed for each upcoming spirit day will give students inspiration for their own dressing up. Homecoming royalty nominees also will be showcased, and the winners will be announced.
On Friday, Oct. 12, a Homecoming assembly will take place at 1:45 p.m. in the gym. That evening, the Sequim High Wolves’ football team takes on the Klahowya Eagles at 7 p.m. in the stadium. The halftime show at the football game will feature the Sequim High School band performing "Birdland" during a parade of class floats, topped off with the presentation of the Homecoming royal court.
The dance will be held Saturday night, Oct. 13, in the cafeteria from 8-11 p.m. The theme for the dance is "The Phantom of the Opera." Homecoming dance requests are now available in the main office, and are due back in the office no later than Thursday, Oct. 11, by 3 p.m.
Tickets for the dance are on sale for $10 until Oct. 5, $15 during the week of October 8, and $20 at the door on Oct. 13.
For questions regarding Homecoming activities, contact Leadership Class Advisor Jennifer Van De Wege at 582-3600 or