Sequim High School’s Robotics Team is taking on the world.
After seven years competing, Sequim sends nine students for the first time to the FIRST Robotics World Championship on April 19-22, in Houston, Texas.
Faculty adviser Brad Moore said Sequim is one of 48 teams from their district to compete against teams from as far away as Australia and Europe.
“It’s a huge opportunity for the kids,” Moore said. “They built a solid robot. It’s one of the best we’ve ever had.”
The team received the opportunity to compete after being selected from a wait list after its last competition. Moore wanted the team to place high enough to qualify outright for the championships but feels this year’s team is deserving.
“We competed really well at both of our events,” he said. “I think they’ll do well and they’re going to show they deserve to be there.”
Students could spend up to $4,000 for the robot that must perform a variety of tasks within a certain time restriction, such as fitting it into two different volumes at all times.
For more information on the competition, visit