Service clubs celebrate the holidays

The VFW will be a busy place in December. The bands continue with High Country on Dec. 13, Silver and Gold on Dec. 20 and Round Trip on Dec. 27.

The VFW will be a busy place in December. The bands continue with High Country on Dec. 13, Silver and Gold on Dec. 20 and Round Trip on Dec. 27. For your breakfast pleasure there will be French toast and eggs on Dec. 28. Breakfast is every Sunday from 9:30 a.m.-noon. It costs $5 per person.

Don’t forget the Seahawks games with a potluck, drink specials and a raffle drawing at the end of the game. Upcoming game dates are Dec. 14, 21 and 28.

The post and club close early on Christmas Eve and are closed Christmas Day.


Officers welcome

The Olympic Peninsula Chapter of the Military Officers Association of America is holding its Christmas General Membership luncheon on Saturday, Dec. 13, at the CrabHouse Restaurant in Port Angeles.

A full turkey lunch with entertainment from the Port Angeles High School Choir will cost $25 per person. All persons who have served in the United States Armed Forces as officers are welcome.

To RSVP or if questions, call me at 683-6419.


Bring out your toys

Toys For Tots is under way. The Marine Corps League and American Legion Post 62 will be at the Sequim Walmart from 9 a.m.-5 p.m., Dec. 12-13, to finish up the collection for this year. New toys and money donations are welcome — no clothes please. All toys go to Clallam County children.


Daughters set meeting

The Michael Trebert Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution will hold its December meeting at the Monterra Clubhouse on Wednesday, Dec. 17. The meeting will begin at 10:30 a.m. followed by a potluck and fundraiser.

The Rainshadow Ringers handbell choir present a program. If you have questions or would like to attend, call Janis at 457-1446.



Helping wheels

Are you a veteran getting Benefits Travel from the VA? Please be aware that as of Jan. 1, cash reimbursements will end. To enroll for Direct Deposit, call 206-764-2120 or e-mail

Who is eligible for Benefits Travel?

• Veterans with disabilities rated 30 percent or more service connected: travel for care relating to any condition

• Veterans with disabilities rated less than 30 percent: travel for care relating to their service connected condition

• Veterans receiving VA pension benefits: travel for care of any condition

• Veterans with annual income below the maximum applicable rate of pension: travel for care of any condition

• Veterans traveling in relation to a Compensation and Pension Examination

Since the VA facilities are a distance away if you are not already signed up, you should look into this mileage reimbursement program. You also can get a form from the Puget Sound Beneficiary Travel/Agent Cashier Window or CBOC.


Happy holidays

Thank you all for reading my column this past year and helping veterans and their families in the local area.

If you know of a program that should be publicized, please let me know. Please keep our troops and their families in your thoughts and prayers this holiday season. Merry Christmas!


Contributors: DAR, Joyce Stroeher,; American Legion and MOAA, Lorri Gilchrist,; VFW Commander Tristan Ryan,; Marine Corps League, Sid Gerling,; Korean War Veterans, Jerry Rettela,; Fleet Reserve Association, Marty Arnold,; Operation Holiday Stockings, Sue Rambin,