Mission statement: The mission of Serenity House of Clallam County is to prevent and end homelessness in Clallam County.
Service area: The agency works primarily in the east and central part of the county and contracts with agencies in the West End for housing assistance. Serenity House provide emergency and longer-term housing, permanent housing with supportive services, a child care center, outreach center, shelter and housing placement for homeless and at-risk youths. The agency operates thrift stores in Port Angeles and Sequim that directly support its homeless and housing programs in the county.
People served: In 2008, Serenity House provided direct financial assistance, counseling, services and housing to more than 3,600 people.
Annual budget/United Way funding: The annual budget is $2.4 million. The United Way is a small but vital funder, less than 1 percent of the total. But every local dollar leverages about $7 from state and federal funds that the agency competes for.
Director: Kathy Wahto
For more information: The agency administrative offices are at 2203 W. 18th St., Port Angeles. Call 452-7224.
Next week: Healthy Families