State may protect Protection Island

Washington State Department of Natural Resources and People for Puget Sound - the site proponent for a proposed Protection Island Aquatic Reserve - host an open house-style public meeting March 25 in Gardiner to provide information and gather ideas regarding the proposal.

Washington State Department of Natural Resources and People for Puget Sound – the site proponent for a proposed Protection Island Aquatic Reserve – host an open house-style public meeting March 25 in Gardiner to provide information and gather ideas regarding the proposal.

State representatives are scheduled to briefly detail the proposed aquatic reserve for state-owned aquatic lands around Protection Island.

Following the presentation, the public has a chance to voice opinions, offer ideas about the location of the proposed reserve, provide information about wildlife habitats and activities in the area, and share ideas about state management.

In 2008, the nonprofit People for Puget Sound submitted a proposal for Washington state to consider establishing a reserve on state-owned tidelands and bedlands in the area around Protection Island, pointing out that the shorelines and deep waters surrounding Protection Island support critical life stages of exceptional fish and wildlife.

Protection aquatic reserve meeting

Time: 6:30-8:30 p.m.

Date: Wednesday, March 25

Place: Gardiner Community Center, 980 Old Gardiner Road

Contact: Princess Jackson-Smith, senior communications manager, state Department of Natural Resources: 360-902-1066