Tusk for sale

Buy a piece of peninsula history

Buy a piece of peninsula history

Robert Malone of Agnew is holding a garage sale this Saturday, Feb. 4, with the revenues used to cover the costs of an upcoming major surgery for a member of the Malone family. The surgery is scheduled Feb. 13 at Virginia Mason in Seattle.


“We have insurance, but the other costs are going to be hard,” Malone said.


Malone is going all in. Included among the items up for sale is a mammoth tusk Malone found near his Agnew home in 2011.


Malone will host the garage sale at his home at 368 Heuhslein Road, near the Agnew Store. The sale starts at 9 a.m. this Friday morning, Feb. 3.


Malone also is asking for donated items that can be sold during the garage sale. For more information, call 808-2949.