Wakefield earns Ambassador title for National American Miss

Nine-year-old seeks national title in November

Genevieve Wakefield is now an ambassador for Washington.

On Aug. 31 the Sequim 9-year-old competed for the Miss Washington Junior Pre-Teen (ages 7-9) state title in Tacoma. She received the Platinum Spotlight Ambassador award for her efforts in outreaching to the community seeking sponsorships.

Wakefield also placed second runner-up in the talent competition for her acrobatic’s routine to the Alan Parsons Project song “Sirius.”

At the state competition she placed in the top 10 of more than 50 competitors, and will compete in the National All-American Miss competition and the talent competition in California the week of Thanksgiving.

If she raises enough funds, she’ll also compete in the National Spotlight competition, too.

So what did she learn from the experience so far?

“I learned more self confidence from speaking on stage,” Wakefield said.

In the months leading up to the competitions, she said she’s looking to fundraise more, perform community service and perfect her acrobat routine.

Wakefield helped out at the Dungeness Valley Health & Wellness Clinic’s Fun Walk on Sept. 14, plans to volunteer with animals at the Olympic Peninsula Humane Society and call out numbers for Bingo at Sherwood Assisted Living.

She recently bought a new leotard and 20-foot mat to perform on, which she and her mom Lula Wakefield will transport to California for the National All-American Miss competition.

Part of her routine involves an aerial — a no-hands cartwheel — which her mom said she “nailed” at the Tacoma pageant.

For the competition, Wakefield must raise about $4,500 for entry fees and travel expenses. She’s placed donation jars at Aspire Academy, Sequim Boys & Girls Club, Dungeness Kids Co., Evergreen Collision Center, Fred’s Guns, Oasis Bar and Grill and the Olympic Game Farm.

To make a donation, contact Lula Wakefield at Lwake770@hotmail.com.

For more information on the National American Miss pageants, visit www.namiss.com.

Reach Matthew Nash at mnash@sequimgazette.com.

For her acrobatics routine in August, Genevieve Wakefield, 9, won second runner-up in the talent competition at Washington’s National American Miss pageant. She’ll compete for the national National All-American Miss talent competition in November. Photo courtesy of Lula Wakefield

For her acrobatics routine in August, Genevieve Wakefield, 9, won second runner-up in the talent competition at Washington’s National American Miss pageant. She’ll compete for the national National All-American Miss talent competition in November. Photo courtesy of Lula Wakefield

In August, Genevieve Wakefield, 9, introduces herself before judges of the Washington National American Miss pageant. She placed in the top 10, but will compete in the All-American pageant. Photo courtesy of Lula Wakefield

In August, Genevieve Wakefield, 9, introduces herself before judges of the Washington National American Miss pageant. She placed in the top 10, but will compete in the All-American pageant. Photo courtesy of Lula Wakefield