WSU extension seeks seeks intern

The WSU Clallam County Extension office is looking for a highly motivated and creative student to develop and implement the youth-education component of a gardening and nutrition program for low-income families in Port Angeles.

The WSU Clallam County Extension office is looking for a highly motivated and creative student to develop and implement the youth-education component of a gardening and nutrition program for low-income families in Port Angeles.

The intern will work with the project team to develop a curriculum of youth activities for children ages 2-9 to take place in the garden during the three-hour weekly sessions when the adults of the families are engaged in gardening, wellness and cooking classes.

The 14-week internship runs from mid-May to mid-August, 10-15 hours per week at $10 per hour.

To apply, visit, search “CAHNRS Intern, and submit your resume & CAHNRS Internship Application.

Applications are due by March 11.

For more information, call the Extension office at 417-2279.