How PC can you get?
Several years ago a woman of color wrote an insightful piece with the theme, “Keeping them (down) on the plantation,” referring to the government treatment of most African-Americans.
Thus so-labeled currently after four tries by the liberal PC police, albeit not adopted by the NAACP itself.
The piece deals factually with how liberals are taking care of this population with benefits, subsidies, special priorities, etc. Even if in truth, these “do-gooders” are keeping all but a few in their ghettoes in a continuous state of semi-poverty.
The primary objective of liberals’ programs: to keep select population reelecting these same liberals to continue these and greater benefits.
Now the legislative largess is being spread to Latinos (or is that “Latin-Americans”?).
Those of this latter group who are illegal aliens even with criminal records have “amnesty” dangling under their voter noses — no consideration for resulting unemployment, or crime or to the education and health care systems, or even those who have entered legally.
Ideologue liberals have no concern for the American republic except their goal to transform it into a Marxist state.
Their cries for “social justice” and “income equality” realistically is disaster as evidenced by every country that has been forced to this idealism, starting with Russia through to Venezuela.
Results are one-class, impoverished nations with shortages of everything except totalitarian dictatorship. The leaders, like Obama, are living like sultans or kings.
When the majority white in America is relegated to a minority, will it then be PC-labeled “European-American”?
Paul Hanway