Letters to the editor — April 18, 2018

Alternate version

On the verge of State Route 104 northbound nearing Discovery Bay, is a Burma Shave-type of sign stating:

“Foresters plant”

“Forests anew”

“So future generations”

“May enjoy forests too.”

As a firm believer of “Truth in advertising,” I think the couplet should read,

“Foresters plant”

“Forests anew”

“So future generations”

“May build houses too!”

Ethan Harris


Don’t push AR-15s here

I do not want to see ads in our paper for AR-15 assault weapons. Please stop this immediately. We have had so many incidents and losses nationally in our country! Let’s keep Sequim safe and out of the national news. Please do not allow this again.

A loyal reader and concerned citizen.

Mozelle Maness


Animal fundraiser success

Peninsula Friends of Animals wishes to thank all of our supporters for helping to make our Spring Tea, Fashion Show and Auction a resounding success!

Gratitude goes out to Sunland Golf & Country Club for hosting us, the caterers for their amazing food, as well as our major sponsors, D.A. Davidson and Callis Insurance, without whom the event could not have taken place.

We also wish to thank Moxie Boutique for sharing their fashions with us, as well as Anytime Fitness, Bonita’s Pet Supplies, Coyote Pub, Island Adventures, Leitz Farms, and all of our other wonderful sponsors for donating items for our live and silent auction.

Most importantly, thank you to our beautiful community members who always make our auctions not just successful, but fun as well.

PFOA is a fully donor-supported, cage-less and no-kill non-profit animal welfare group. Want to help us create better lives for the animals in our care? Feel free to schedule some time with us by calling 360-452-0414, or visit our website at safehavenpfoa.org.

Alicia Demetropolis

On behalf of Peninsula Friends of Animals

Letters to the editor — April 18, 2018