Rainbows just rainbows
Wow! I personally think the rainbow flags at Whimsy Park downtown Sequim are colorful and cheerful. It never occurred to me that any one group could “lay claim to” rainbows.
I just thought the flags were a nice way to bring some color to the beautiful use of what used to be an empty lot full of weeds.
Thank you and kudos to the guy who made Whimsy Park! (We saw you out there working hard for quite a while.)
It is a shame that some people (Ron Henderson in last week’s newspaper — “Will boycott ‘rainbow’ park,” Letters to the Editor, Sequim Gazette, June 28, page A-6) have to express such hate and vitriol over something as silly as a few rainbow flags that are only there to make us smile, not to denote “ownership” of a beautiful public space in Sequim.
Mr. Henderson, relax a little bit! Sometimes a rainbow is just a rainbow.
Rebecca Davidson
A rainbow is a rainbow, is a rainbow
In response to the homophobic diatribe (Letters to the Editor, “Will boycott ‘rainbow’ park,’” Sequim Gazette, June 28, page A-6), there are, unfortunately, no rainbow colors at the Whimsy Park in Sequim.
Community volunteers generously donated their time and effort to turn a vacant lot into a welcome respite for the community.
The fact that LGBT incorporated a rainbow to signify their cause should not hold rainbows in contempt. Surely, Judy Garland would agree.
Incidentally, the 42nd Infantry “Rainbow” Division once commanded by Gen. Douglas MacArthur would not take kindly to disparaging their honored insignia.
Imagine a child who no longer believes a pot of gold could be found at the end of the rainbows we often see here in Sequim. Remember when our hearts were young and gay?
Roger B. Huntman
Poor planning in road projects
Let me see if I have this right. Starting July 10, Old Olympic Highway will be closed for the McDonald Bridge Creek Replacement. At the same time there will be a culvert replacement project taking place on Highway 101.
So, let’s force several thousand vehicles a day onto Highway 101 and then reduce traffic flow from two lanes to one lane through a culvert replacement zone.
Don’t you just love our country! Whoever is in charge of planning, coordination and timing of these two projects is at the very least overpaid.
Bill Walsh
Trump’s tweets a shock
I abhor “social media” for the reason that it provides a forum for people to say things to other people that they would never say in a face-to-face conversation.
I understand why the President uses Twitter, he may converse with the people without trying to be heard over the ideological and hostile rantings of our Fourth Estate. I also believe that the President has the ability to tell people to go-to-hell so that they enjoy the trip.
In my opinion the use of ad hominem attacks on Twitter only diminish him in the eyes of those that put him in office and he should knock it off.
That being said, his latest Tweet has had the effect of horrifying everyone in Washington D.C., and Hollywood and that’s a good thing.
Ethan Harris