District needs to prioritize with budget issues
Regarding the Sequim schools’ “budget shortfall”: I shook my head reading “an expected multi million-dollar shortfall” in the Sequim School District. It should have said, “Sequim school leadership unable to work within budget, are short-sighted.”
I applaud current efforts, but they are “a day late and dollar short.” Obvious poor planning was taking short-term funding and acquiring permanent enhancements. What then? Expecting the already burdened taxpayer with another bailout? The ESSER funds were not used wisely.
I suggest a basic 101 relook at planning and budget, short- and long-term. Start with the core values and objectives. From these, list what is absolutely essential. That is your foundation.
Create a list with what else would be nice to have but not necessary. Prioritize this list. Look at a realistic budget. Add from your prioritized list what will fit in this realistic budget.
Keep emotions out of the picture. You cannot be everything to everyone or offer everything.
These are difficult and lean times, that require objective focus, discipline and difficult choices, not pie-in-the-sky dreams.
A rainy-day fund or buffer should also be addressed.
Remember, all these monies are taken from hard working taxpayers. It’s easy to spend other people’s monies. Be good stewards.
We are all hurting. We have been hit with ever increasing taxes, utilities and costs of goods. All are having to make tough choices with rapidly dwindling funds and purchasing power.
Dr. Miriam Talley
Do your research before getting a rabbit
With spring and the Easter holiday almost upon us, I would like to remind people to please not buy baby rabbits that are sometimes sold this time of year. Here are the reasons:
Some rabbits are purchased as an impulse buy because they are cute and symbolize Easter. Unfortunately, when they grow up or people tire of taking care of them, they are often released into the wild.
Domestics rabbits are not meant to live in the wild and do not have the same natural instincts as wild or native rabbits. They often have a difficult life the wild and are often killed by coyotes or other predators.
If they do survive, they will breed with other rabbits that have been abandoned. If rabbits are kept, they are often housed in tiny cages with inappropriate food and water.
Many rabbits are also released in neighborhoods because animal shelters are frequently at capacity and the ones they already have are difficult to get adopted.
Rabbits can make wonderful pets if they are cared for properly. They are intelligent, playful and affectionate. I you decide you would like to have a rabbit as a pet, please go to your library or online and research their care.
Also, please visit your local animal shelter that cares for rabbits to adopt one.
Anita Shearer