During that national drought we suffered in 2021 I wrote a column on how to help senior citizens deal with those extreme temperatures. Here is a summary of that column for you to enjoy.
In addition to the obvious risks of becoming overheated, like heat stroke and dehydration, there are other risks such as sinus infections, urinary tract infections and increased inflammation.
Excessive heat stroke can actually cause brain damage.
Stay hydrated
The most obvious way to stay hydrated is to drink water. It is recommend to drink distilled or filtered water as tap water contains minerals and other chemicals which can dehydrate the body.
Sad to say, many of our eating habits can increase dehydration. Caffeine (as in iced coffees and sodas), refined sugars, and alcohol are among the worst offenders.
Limit your fat consumption as one of the functions of fatty foods is to increase body temperature. Instead of a large dish of ice cream try sorbets and plant-based ice creams.
Increase the amount of fruits and vegetables you eat, specifically green salads. These foods are loaded with crucial nutrients, and are the most hydrating foods on the planet.
Electrolytes play a vital role in keeping the body hydrated and it is important to replace what we lose through perspiration. Consider drinking healthy, electrolyte beverages such as lemon water or coconut water. Some iced teas, such as mint, contain critical nutrients.
In addition to keeping our bodies hydrated it is important to keep our skin hydrated.
Here are a few suggestions: For any lotions and creams, use ones which contain minimal ingredients as added ingredients can contribute to dehydration. Aloe vera, coconut oil and cocoa butter are good choices.
Use nose spray and eye drops as needed, again finding products with minimal ingredients.
Fill a spray bottle with distilled or filtered water and mist your body throughout the day.
Reduce inflammation
Heat and humidity cause the fluid levels surrounding the joints to shift causing an increase in inflammation This in turn can cause severe pain. Fortunately, there are several ways to deal with the issue.
In addition to keeping hydrated, treat the inflamed area like a strained muscle by elevating the inflamed joint and placing ice packs on it.
Iced green tea, lemon water and sugar-free ginger ale are among the beverages which can help reduce inflammation. There are healthy foods and herbs which help in inflammation reduction such as turmeric, rosemary and berries.
Getting quality sleep is critical as the body repairs itself during the deep, non-dreaming cycles.
Manage your environment
Do not hesitate to run your air conditioner, fans or evaporative cooler, known as a swamp pump. If you live in a dry area and do not own an evaporative cooler, place a bowl of water in front of your air conditioner or fan.
Remember, a high electric bill is less expensive than a hospital bill.
Keeping your drapes closed or purchasing light-blocking curtains helps to keep the interior cooler.
Plan all appointments and errands for the morning hours, before the air temperatures rise. Wear clothing made from natural fibers such as cotton or rayon.
Synthetic fabrics are made from plastics which trap the heat, increasing body temperature.
Do you have additional suggestions for keeping cool? Email us at info@wellnesswithage.com. I personally reply to every email.
Crystal Linn is a multi-published author and an award-winning poet. When not writing, or teaching workshops, she enjoys reading a good mystery, hiking, and sailing with friends and family. See crystallinn.com.