The Cedars at Dungeness’ Lady Niners group held their end of the season banquet on Oct. 19, and despite their game getting rained out club members had a good time, Debbie Kahle said. JP Persall, left, awards Lindsay Busch the club championship award. Other awards presented included: Pat Conway, low gross champion; Donna Maclean, low gross runner-up; a four-way tie for low net champion between Pat Charters, Bonney Benson, Pat Charters, Teri Green and Jill Palmquist; second place in low net went to Lyn Gilbert and Kris Slack. The most improved player award went to Olympia Brehm. Officers for 2018 are: Persall, captain; Kathy Benedict, co-captain; Cherste Nilde, treasurer; Lee Stanley, secretary, and Darla Shaw, competition chair.