Sequims Nick Dickson eyes a career in the rodeo ring
Bring on the best. Sequim’s juniors softball squad is tops in its district and headed to the state tournament in…
Sequim, Port Angeles duos shine at annual doubles tourney
Chinese athletes, culture impress Sequim swimmer
Fire, ice and smoke: The perfect ingredients. Daredevil fans got a taste of each and a lot more at the…
With much of the country celebrating the nation’s Independence Day last weekend, five Sequim Little League squads were in action…
As the name suggests, there was plenty of offense at Port Angeles’ Dick Brown Memorial Firecracker Classic baseball tournament during…
Car rollovers, motorcycles crashing through walls of flame, even the 100-foot Dive Bomber: This show has it all. Bob Hanna’s…
Peninsula College Soccer team members are hosting a second State E coaching course this summer. The course is scheduled for…
Longtime auto stunt performer plans fourth fire-fueled event
While major league baseball players have to wait for September for their playoffs, Sequim’s youngest diamond stars already are battling…
Ryan O’Neil, Brianna Allen, Ethan Wilford and Kayla Ralston were honored as Peninsula College’s top athletes for 2007-2008, as announced…
A row of young Forks Elementary School students give their rapt attention to Forks High School junior Alexa Justus as…