Sports Briefs

P.A. pool

fundraiser set

The "Save the Pool P.A. Fundraiser" is scheduled for 4 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 24, at the William Shore Memorial Swimming Pool, 225 E. Fifth St., Port Angeles.

The competition is open to the public.

Teams of four compete by swimming a 200-yard relay (eight pool lengths); each member swims 50 yards, or two lengths of the pool. Starts and transitions happen in the water rather than off starting blocks.

Cost to compete is $100 per team of four; admission to watch the event is by donation. Funds raised go toward helping keep the William Shore Memorial Pool open.

For more information, call Krista Winn at 457-0308 or 477-1852.

YMCA gymnastics class scheduled

The Clallam County YMCA’s 10-week winter gymnastics program runs

Jan. 5-March 13 for 1-year-

olds through fifth-graders.

Youths learn gymnastics skills from experienced staff and also realize increased flexibility, endurance, strength and self-esteem in a fun and safe environment.

Class size is limited and advance registration is required.

YMCA preschool members pay $65 for the session, and nonmembers pay $78. Ages 5 through fifth grade pay $75 (members) and $88 (nonmembers).

Students new to the program must register in person at the YMCA.

Past participants can register by calling the YMCA at 452-924 with a debit or credit card.

For a complete schedule of class days and times, visit the sports page of the YMCA Web site ( or pick up a flier at the YMCA, 302 S. Francis St., Port Angeles.

For more information, contact Tim Tucker, YMCA sport director, at 452-9244 or; or gymnastics coordinator Sulene Krause at 452-9244 or

Indoor soccer league starts in January

Peninsula College Adult Indoor Soccer League begins Jan. 11 and runs through March 8.

The league features five-on-five play and has three divisions: competitive, noncompetitive and women-only.

Games are two 25-minute halves and are played at the Peninsula College gymnasium (1502 E. Lauridsen Blvd., Port Angeles) on Sunday afternoons (and, if needed, Monday nights). Each team gets at least one game a week with a tournament at the end of the season.

Cost is $30 per player or $225 per team. Applications and money must be received by Jan. 5.

For more information, contact Andrew Chapman, at 417-6410 or 670-6868.