Sports Briefs — May 4, 2016

Last Chance Salmon Derby cancelled; tribal canoe journeys is topic of meeting; Irrfest scramble set

Tribal canoe journeys is topic of meeting

The North Olympic Sail & Power Squadron will hold its monthly meeting Monday, May 9, at The Cedars at Dungeness Legend’s room, 1965 Woodcock Road, Sequim.

The public is welcome to attend, and dinner purchase is optional. Social hour begins at 5 p.m. followed by a short meeting and dinner starting at 6 p.m. The guest speaker presentation is scheduled for 7-8 p.m. The speaker is Vickie Carroll, a Jamestown S’Klallam tribal elder and the cultural coordinator for the Jamestown S’Klallam Tribe.

Her topic is “Tribal Canoe Journeys,” the sequence of canoe journeys taken annually and celebrated by the indigenous peoples of the Pacific Northwest Coast.

Irrfest scramble set

On Friday May 13, at 1 p.m. the Boys & Girls Clubs of the Olympic Peninsula will host a 4-person scramble at Sunland Golf & Country Club presented by 7 Cedars Casino.

The annual tournament is part of the Sequim Irrigation festival activities. Prizes will be awarded to the top men’s and ladies’ team and sticking with the theme: 25th place.

he event is a fundraiser for the Boys & Girls Club.

For more information about the tournament or the clubs, call Janet at 683-8095.

Last Chance Salmon Derby cancelled

Salmon fishing seasons for Washington’s ocean waters and the Columbia River were adopted during the Pacific Fishery Management Council’s annual meeting and included a large reduction in salmon quota and the season being limited to July 1-Aug. 21 (or earlier if the catch quota is met) for Area 3 – La Push.

Unfortunately, the annual Last Chance Salmon Derby normally held the first weekend in October in La Push will be cancelled for 2016. It is hoped that the derby will return in 2017.